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The Future of Resolution

Dec 30, 2020

With all the focus on national government these days, it’s easy to forget the importance of local government, especially as it is the first line of defense against COVID-19 in our communities. College Park Mayor Bianca Motley Broom sits down with East Point Mayor Deana Holiday Ingram, Attorney Robbie Ashe, and...

Dec 17, 2020

In these high-stress times, the last thing most people want is to deal with a knock-down-drag-out legal battle. Mediator and Collaborative Attorney Danae Woodward discusses the growing practice of Civil Collaboration Law with some of its foremost advocates, Colleen Byers and John Sarratt, and how it can take the...

Dec 10, 2020

In this episode, Miles mediator and arbitrator Steve Dunn talks with Josh Durham, Partner at Bell Davis Pitt. Durham discusses his own podcast, his career as a business litigator, and his personal writings.

Dec 9, 2020

In this inaugural Charlotte podcast episode, Miles mediator & arbitrator Steve Dunn talks with Greg Parent, also a mediator & arbitrator at Miles. Parent shares why he became a mediator, how his past roles have shaped his success in mediation, and what his vision is for Charlotte as it relates to his career and...

Dec 7, 2020

With all the changes surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, mediator Jennifer Grippa and Rebecca Bratter discuss the current challenges of doing business and how it could change the climate of the law industry moving forward. They also talk life, parenting, giving back, and practical strategies for success in business.